Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Are you a Tapper?

Crowdtap is the place to use your creativity to win gift cards and score free products from big-name brands. Brands will challenge you to discuss and showcase how you use everyday items—through photos, videos, and writing—and then reward the best submissions.

          But what is it that a tapper does? So every month day when you log into Crowdtap you will see your dashboard. Your dashboard is the place that tells you what quickhits and challenges are left to complete for the month! I'm not gonna lie, sometimes it looks very overwhelming! Just ask the many tappers that are my friends on facebook! You can range from 0-300 quickhits if you don't regularly keep up with them!

Currently I'm at 7 quickhits and 37 challenges (I'll get into that later) to complete! Just as quick as you complete these more will be added, its a never ending process! As you complete your quickhits you will earn points. For every 100 points you earn you get 1 entry in a drawing for giftcards at the end of the month. the more entries, the more chances to win! Pretty simple... right?!?!?

Challenges can vary from writing to taking pictures to moderated discussions! You earn more points for completing challenges versus completing quickhits! So my advice is to complete as many as you possibly can!

  Does it really pay off? Well that depends... August was the first month I really started with Crowdtap and I wasn't as active as I could have been! To my surprise I won two giftcards for amazon. So i thought to myself, if i was more active will it pay off? I completed EVERY quickhit that was offered in September and about 80% of the challenges and it paid off!! Can't wait to see what October brings!

I won 12... thats right 12 giftcards!! Eleven of those giftcards were for amazon, they were $5 each and I received my $100 gift card for IKEA in the mail yesterday! Did ! mention Crowdtap offers Samplings and Brand parties too!! Samplings are exactly that, samples of some of the brands that are featured that month! So far I personally have received samplings from Advil and I was also selected for a brand party from Skintimate shaving cream!

{-- My IKEA gift card!

 My Surprise WW Cup ---}

Crowdtap can be very rewarding! But you HAVE to put in the time! I spend roughly 15-20 hours a week into quickhits and challenges! I also have an amazing Crowdtap family that we all work together and tap each others posts on facebook and twitter. We call ourselves "Tappers"!! Part of the challenges is sharing pictures and answering questions, we then share those on Facebook and Twitter and we "tap" the posts! The more taps, the more points.. the more points you get the entries you get.. You get the picture! 
 So if you have seen all the crazy posts on my timeline and started wondering to yourself if I'm a secret agent for ads, sorry thats not the case. To simply put it............. I'm a Tapper!! 


My October wins!!  6 giftcards!! I love being a tapper!

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